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Monday, September 16, 2019

Playing the Right Poker Level - Beating the Fish

Playing the Right Poker Level - Beating the Fish

You should be a tactical poker player when playing Texas Holdem, you will need to watch other players see at what level they understand the game of poker. This statement is even more true if you are playing at the lower small-stakes poker tables. You will play many different levels of opponents with different skill levels, you will want to avoid the experts and look for the fish. You should always be looking to be playing one level above your opponents at the table. Remember if you are playing against a fish you can't trick them because they do not understand the game and won't even notice what is going on. If you are playing against a loose new player you will want to play a tight game. When you do make a hand make them pay and raise, and they will pay you. He may not even notice that you beat him. This is when you take a good amount of his money. He will never see you coming.

It can make you very angry to make a great move only to have a fish call you with a bad draw and give you a bad beat on the river. You don't want to try and be too fancy. When you are playing at the small stakes limits you will want to keep in mind these kinds of players and change your game when needed. The good news is if you play your hands right you can make a great deal of money off of these kinds of poker players. It's like taking candy from a baby.

If you ever find yourself on Tilt, make sure you take a few hands off. Don't let these kinds of players take your chips when you know better and they don't. Just remember any time a fish gives you a bad beat that over the long run you are going to be taking more chips off him than he is off you. Use your head and not your heart and you will do just fine. Poker is all about playing a level above your opponent.